Translation Memory Management

What is Translation memory and how it works? A translation memory is a database that stores  sentences, paragraphs or sentence-like units that have previously been translated by human translator. Effective management of Translation Memory can enhance the process of translating large volumes of content by utilizing the legacy translation database, thereby improving efficiency and quality. Say goodbye to repetitive translations and hello to cost-effective, high-quality translations with our Translation Memory Management service. Trust us to help you achieve your language goals while also saving you valuable time and money.

How Translation Memory Can Improve Consistency in Multilingual Content?

Translation Memory (TM) is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the consistency of multilingual content. By creating a database of previously translated content, TM software can identify and reuse previously translated text, ensuring consistency across all translations. Whenever a new translation is completed, the system saves and memorizes it, allowing it to be used again for future translations.

This can be particularly beneficial in industries with specific terminologies, where accurate and consistent translation is maintained.

Additionally, TM can reduce the time and cost of translation by allowing translators to work more efficiently, focusing on new content rather than re-translating previously translated material. This results in faster turnaround times and reduced costs for clients.

In summary, TM is an essential tool for improving the consistency and quality of multilingual content while reducing costs and turnaround times. It is especially beneficial for industries with specialized terminology, where consistency is vital.